Junior Research Group Leader Computation of Thin Film Growth Processes
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Junior Research Group Leader Computation of Thin Film Growth Processes

Junior Research Group Leader Computation of Thin Film Growth Processes

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This Junior Research Group Leader position is a fixed-term appointment for three years with the option to extend it by four additional years, and the possibility to turn this into a permanent position at the institute. Funds to support two Ph.D. students for two years and additional financial resources to expand the existing computational capabilities at the institute will be provided. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to establish a junior research group at PDI focusing on the computation of nonequilibrium growth processes at the atomic scale to inform and support experimental efforts at the institute. The successful candidate will be directly advised and supported by the institute’s director to build and strengthen student advising, project management, proposal writing, teaching, and academic leadership skills.

We are looking for an ambitious and motivated researcher who aspires to take the next career step to lead a junior research group, to get involved in advising the next generation of scientists, as well as taking on teaching responsibilities.


  • Lead the scientific efforts to compute the nonequilibrium growth processes in a variety of material systems.
  • Setup and operate computational capabilities to conduct the calculation at the institute in coordination with our IT team.
  • Initiate ties with computation centers to carry out computationally heavy work.
  • Actively seek collaboration with experimental scientists to nurture interdisciplinary research across the experimental and computational domain.
  • Establish and distinguish yourself with an internationally recognizable research program by taking full advantage of the proximity to experimental expertise in growth at PDI.
  • Initiate/foster collaborations with external partners from academia.
  • Actively involve yourself in advising B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. students.

Minimum Requirements:

  • A Ph.D. degree in Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Informatics, or a closely related field.
  • Several years of experience in performing simulations of thin film growth processes, such as ab-initio kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, Reactive Force Field simulations, or similar.
  • Ambition to take up a scientific junior leadership role.
  • Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team of scientists, engineers, and students with a diverse skill set ranging from computation to experimentalists.

This position is available from May 01, 2024, and is initially limited to a 3-year period, with an excellent chance to be extended and ultimately transitioned to a permanent position. Salary and benefits are according to the Treaty for German public service (TVöD Bund) to a level of E14, taking work experience and special professional skills into account.

Additional Benefits:

  • Modern laboratories with a wide range of experimental techniques.
  • Supportive environment with experts for various scientific sub-fields.
  • International and culturally diverse community.
  • Location in the heart of Berlin with excellent public transport connections.
  • A subsidized travel ticket.
  • Possibility to participate in professional development programs.

The Paul Drude Institute is part of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. and a member of the Leibniz Association. The institute carries out basic and applied research at the nexus of materials science, condensed matter physics, and device engineering.

The PDI is one of the internationally leading research institutions for the growth of novel functional materials by molecular beam epitaxy, conducting research on fundamental physics aspects and applications of functional hetero- and nanostructures, superlattices, and artificial materials by design. Emphasis is placed on exploring their electronic and optical functionalities and exploiting those properties for quantum technology applications.

With approximately 100 employees and more than 15 nationalities, PDI is committed to building a talented, inclusive, and culturally diverse workforce. We understand that our shared future is guided by basic principles of fairness and mutual respect. Among equally qualified applicants, preference will be given to candidates from marginalized groups. As an equal opportunity and family-friendly employer, we offer highly flexible employment conditions, such as flexible working hours, parental leave, and home office, and we strive to create a family- and life-conscious working environment.

Please upload your application by April 7, 2024.
Your documents should contain:

  • CV,
  • A complete list of publications and presentations,
  • 2-page research interest and vision statement,
  • A 5-page proposal outlining research activities in the first three years including timeline, milestones, and required resources to invest into computational infrastructure,
  • Statement outlining the commitment to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the junior research group and at the institute,
  • Contact information of three professional references (name, position title, affiliation, e-mail address).




Pdi Berlin HR Team

Junior Research Group Leader Computation of Thin Film Growth Processes
Pdi Berlin
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