2 PhD students for mm-wave superconducting quantum computing
2 PhD students and a Postdoctoral Researcher in Superconducting Qubits
We are looking for highly motivated scientists to work on experiments with superconducting qubits. These positions will be funded by the European Research Council (ERC) through the Advanced Grant „Millimeter-Wave Superconducting Quantum Circuits” – Milli-Q. The goal is to develop novel superconducting quantum circuits which are operating at frequencies one order of magnitude larger than those demonstrated until now, going up to the 100 GHz frequency range, introducing numerous advantages, including:
- Higher operating temperature, resulting with more qubits per fridge,
- Higher operation speeds allow applying more gates before decoherence,
- Smaller size decreases wafer sensitivity to cosmic radiation.
Once successful, our approach will open a new, game changing, way to build superconducting quantum computers. Along the way we are facing novel engineering challenges as well as basic material-science questions.
Due to the increased qubit energy level separation, millimeter-wave quantum processors could be operated at temperatures much higher than their present counterparts, qubit logic gates can be performed faster and circuit components reduced in size thus allowing for a smaller footprint, denser packaging and better integration. These numerous potential advantages face many challenges and pose intriguing physics questions that are aimed to be answered in this project.
The group led by Prof. Alexey Ustinov is located at the university campus of KIT and has a long successful record of exploring the physics of superconducting circuits, both classical and quantum. We are using superconducting qubits for state-of-the-art experiments, challenge new physics questions and explore opportunities for the next generation of quantum information processing. Our group pioneered frequency domain multiplexing readout of qubits, detection and manipulation of microscopic two-level defects, and studied qubit arrays as quantum metamaterials. Our labs are equipped with 6 dilution refrigerators and microwave and mm-wave measurement facilities. We have full access to the in-house cleanroom located next to the lab at Nanostructure Service Laboratory / KIT.
The multiple offered PhD and postdoc positions cover a broad range of directions within the Milli-Q project, ranging from the development of cryogenic measurements for mm-wave frequencies to the fabrication of prototype mm-wave qubits and studies of their quantum coherence properties. Our project team will closely cooperate with mm-wave experts and high-frequency electrical engineers, both on and outside the KIT campus.
Postdoc: A doctoral degree in experimental condensed matter physics or electrical engineering. Solid publication record in experimental low-temperature and/or mm-wave physics, or more generally in experimental quantum physics.
PhD students: A master degree in experimental physics.
All applicants: Good command of English. Strong ambition towards excellence in science and technology at the highest international level is expected. Experience on superconducting circuit design, modeling, and fabrication is highly appreciated.
How to apply
To apply for the position, please submit your application via e-mail addresses given above as one single PDF document, which should include:
- letter of motivation (no more than one page)
- CV (indicating your contact information, work history, list of publications, knowledge areas of physics and engineering, experimental skills, language skills, university degrees and grades, honors and awards)
- two letters of recommendation or contact details of two possible referees.
Please, send your application at your earliest convenience, preferably by April 1, 2024 . Please note that we start reviewing the applications as they come and may also hire before the deadline of the call. In the case of late applications, please contact Prof. Alexey Ustinov directly by email.
The KIT reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the position open, to extend the application period and to consider also candidates who have not submitted applications during the application period.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Quantum Flagship HR Team