University Professorship (W3) for Smart Technical Logistics Systems
Entry from the 25.07.2024
Position number 1309/2024
Job vacancy to be filled from: 25.07.2024
Smart technical logistics systems are major constituents of the chain of values added. They represent important links between the society, product development, and mobility systems and undergo major changes as a result of digitalization. The professorship represents an important expertise area and makes decisive contributions to the "KIT Mobility Systems Center", the KIT Center Information Systems Technologies (KCIST), and the Innovation Campus "Future Mobility".
The professorship will focus on the development and operation of smart technical logistics systems, including sustainable, robotic systems. Work will cover the design of control systems, modeling and performance analysis of large and complex logistics systems, and analysis of their resource efficiency. Major applications will be the use of AI and robotics in future production and distribution logistics as well as autonomous urban logistics. The future holder of the post is expected to represent methods of mathematical modeling, simulation, and optimization as well as the design of mechatronic systems in research and academic education. The professorship will be characterized by this mix of methods and by both theoretical and experimental work.
In the area of academic education, it will be the main task of the professor to impart to future engineers methods and solutions of smart technical logistics systems in research and application. Main lectures should be offered in both English and German for KIT’s Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering International, Mechatronics and Information Technology, and Business Engineering. Modern teaching formats and concepts (based on the Mechatronics Learning and Application Center in particular) are expressly desired. Moreover, involvement in the continuing education provided by KIT’s HECTOR School will be possible. You will execute university tasks with a teaching obligation of 9 hours per week per semester.
The professor is expected to drive innovations for smart technical logistics systems in cooperation with industry. Initiation and support of startups are expressly welcome.
Persönliche Qualifikation
We are looking for a person with a high reputation, who has made major and visible contributions to the areas and applications mentioned. As the professorship will build a bridge between research and innovation, several years of work in industry, experience in the setup, operation, investigation, and development of technical logistics systems, and leadership skills would be advantageous. International work experience is desired.
The future holder of the post should be willing to cooperate across disciplines within and outside of KIT and to actively acquire public and private third-party funding. Apart from fulfilling civil service requirements, candidates should have completed university studies and possess pedagogic aptitude, didactic skills, as well as scientific qualification as proved by a doctorate, habilitation, or equivalent achievements.
Employment is subject to Article 14, par. 2 of the KIT Act in conjunction with Article 47 of the Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges (Landeshochschulgesetz Baden-Württemberg, LHG).
Bereich III – Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik, Institut für Fördertechnik und Logistiksysteme (IFL), KIT-Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Contract duration
Application up to
September 30, 2024
Contact person in line-management
For further scientific information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Geimer.
Please send your application with the relevant documents (curriculum vitae, list of publications, diplomas/certificates, description of previous research and teaching activities (if applicable), teaching evaluations (if available), acquired third-party funding) preferably as a single PDF file to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Division III – Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Division Head Professor h.c. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Knebel, KIT Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, email:
Vacancy number: 1309/2024
We wish to recruit new staff (female/male/non-binary) as homogeneously as possible and, hence, strongly encourage qualified women to apply.
Recognized severely disabled persons having the same qualification will be preferred.
As a family-friendly university, KIT offers part-time employment, leaves for family reasons, dual career services, and accompanying coaching for enhancing the work-life balance.
Your personal data will be processed by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in accordance with this privacy policy.
Zur Bewerbung Zur offiziellen Anzeige
Job type/category
- Permanent position
Favored career stage
- Job experience > 2 years
- Karlsruhe city, Karlsruhe region
- Other
Language at workplace
- German
Type of company
- Scientific institution
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