Produktionstechniker / Technician I-Production
Produktionstechniker / Technician I-Production

Produktionstechniker / Technician I-Production

Teltow Vollzeit

Produktionstechniker / Technician I-Production

Germany – Teltow

Full time


Posted Today


Are you looking for a unique opportunity to be a part of something great? Want to join a 20,000-member team that works on the technology that powers the world around us? Looking for an atmosphere of trust, empowerment, respect, diversity, and communication? How about an opportunity to own a piece of a multi-billion dollar (with a B!) global organization? We offer all that and more at Microchip Technology, Inc.

People come to work at Microchip because we help design the technology that runs the world. They stay because our culture supports their growth and stability. They are challenged and driven by an incredible array of products and solutions with unlimited career potential. Microchip’s nationally-recognized Leadership Passage Programs support career growth where we proudly enroll over a thousand people annually. We take pride in our commitment to employee development, values-based decision making, and strong sense of community, driven by our Vision, Mission, and 11 Guiding Values; we affectionately refer to it as the Aggregate System and it’s won us countless awards for diversity and workplace excellence.

Our company is built by dedicated team players who love to challenge the status quo; we did not achieve record revenue and over 30 years of quarterly profitability without a great team dedicated to empowering innovation. People like you.

Visit our careers page to see what exciting opportunities and company perks await!

Job Description:


Sie sind dem Produktionsleiter unterstellt und gehören zum Produktionsteam, das fĂŒr die Einrichtung von Maschinen in unserer SAW-Produktionslinie (Surface Acoustic Wave) zustĂ€ndig ist.

Was ist das Attraktive an dieser Gelegenheit?

In dieser Position werden Sie mit einer Vielzahl von Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit Backend-Fertigungstechnologien fĂŒr Surface Acoustic Wave-Filter und -Oszillatoren konfrontiert.

Einzelheiten zu den Erwartungen und Verantwortlichkeiten in dieser Position:

  • Drahtbonden
  • Die-Kontaktierung
  • Feinabstimmung
  • Deckel-Platzierung
  • Flip-Chip-Bonden
  • Arbeit mit Arbeitsanweisungen und Inspektionsanforderungen in Übereinstimmung mit dokumentierten Prozessen
  • Bereitschaft und FĂ€higkeit, mit anderen relevanten Abteilungen zusammenzuarbeiten, um eine hohe ProduktivitĂ€t zu gewĂ€hrleisten

Reporting to the Production Manager, you will be part of the production team responsible for setting up machines in our SAW production (Surface Acoustic Wave) line.

What’s attractive about this opportunity?

This position will expose you to a wide variety challenges related to backend manufacturing technologies for Surface Acoustic Wave filters and oscillators.

Details on the expectations and responsibilities in this position:

  • Wire-bonding
  • Die-bonding
  • Finetuning
  • Lid-Placement
  • Flip chip bonding
  • Work with work instructions and inspection requirements in accordance with documented processes
  • Willingness and ability to collaborate with other relevant departments to ensure high productivity


Erforderliche Qualifikationen/Anforderungen

  • Abgeschlossene technische Ausbildung, Techniker oder höhere Qualifikation
  • VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr technische ZusammenhĂ€nge
  • Feinmotorische Handarbeit unter dem Mikroskop
  • Microsoft Office-Kenntnisse


  • Gutes technisches und elektronisches VerstĂ€ndnis zur Betreuung der Fertigungsanlagen.
  • AbteilungsĂŒbergreifende Teamarbeit
  • Hohe ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit
  • Gute deutsche Sprachkenntnisse sind erforderlich


  • Completed technical training, technician or higher qualification
  • Understanding for technical relationships
  • Fine motoric hand work under microscope
  • Microsoft office knowledges


  • Good technical and electronical understanding to support the manufacturing equipment.
  • Interdepartmental teamwork
  • High reliability
  • Good German language skills are required

Travel Time:

No Travel



Microchip Technology Inc. HR Team

Produktionstechniker / Technician I-Production

Microchip Technology Inc.

Jetzt bewerben

Bewerbungsfrist: 2026-10-07
