Professor (W2) "Thermochemical Process Technology" and Head of Department in the field of low-carbon reducing agents (f/m/x) Reference number: 62-2024 - MM-031

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)


  • Zittau
  • Kein homeoffice möglich
  • 36000 - 60000 € / Jahr (geschätzt)

Auf einen Blick

  • Tätigkeit: Leitung der Abteilung für thermochemische Prozesstechnologie und Forschung zu kohlenstoffarmen Reduktionsmitteln.
  • Arbeitgeber: DLR, das Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
  • Benefits: Entwicklung und Bau von Testanlagen, Zusammenarbeit mit internen und externen Partnern.
  • Wieso dieser Job: Innovative Forschung in der Dekarbonisierung industrieller Prozesse, interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit.
  • Qualifikationen: Nachweisliche Führungserfahrung in der thermochemischen Prozesstechnologie, erfolgreiche Drittmittelakquise.
  • Was du noch wissen solltest: Besondere Leistungen in der Anwendung wissenschaftlicher Methoden erforderlich.

Das voraussichtliche Gehalt liegt zwischen 36000 - 60000 € pro Jahr.

DLR is the aeronautics and space research center of the Federal Republic of Germany. It conducts research and development in aeronautics, space, energy and transport as well as in the cross-cutting areas of civil security and defence research and digitalization. Climate, mobility and technology are changing globally. DLR uses the expertise of its institutes and facilities to jointly achieve DLR’s program goals and develop solutions to these challenges. The DLR Institute of low carbon Industrial Processes conducts research on the decarbonization of industrial processes at the Cottbus and Zittau sites.
Our focus for research and transfer in the field of flow CO2 industrial processes is on
  • Reduction of process-relatedCO2 emissions and pollutants,
  • Carbon-free energy sources and sustainable reducing agents,
  • Process design and optimization based on mathematical models and AI methods
  • „Multi-fidelity“ simulations, coupling of models with different levels of detail and evaluation of process concepts.
As a large-scale research institution, DLR also attaches great importance to the development and construction of test facilities for experimental validation and cooperation with internal and external partners such as industry.
The professorship represents the field of thermochemical process technology in teaching at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the HSZG, which focuses on thermal and chemical process engineering, heterogeneous thermochemical processes and hydrogen as a reducing agent in industrial processes. In addition, interdisciplinary cooperation with the other professorships of the faculty and the university is sought.
We are looking for a scientifically proven leader in the field of thermochemical process technology with several years of experience in the management of larger groups, ideally in industry. Particular emphasis is placed on cooperation with industry, national and international networking, successful acquisition of third-party funded projects and technology transfer. The ability to teach courses and didactic skills round off the research and teaching profile. In teaching, participation in the degree programs of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is planned.
The appointment requirements are set out in § 59 para. 1 no. 1-3 and no. 4 c SächsHSG. The prerequisite for an appointment at the HSZG is, in particular, the existence of special achievements in the application or development of scientific knowledge and methods in a professional practice of generally five years, of which at least three years must have been spent outside the university sector. A prerequisite for employment at DLR is security clearance in accordance with the Security Clearance Act (SÜG) and the willingness to undergo a security clearance in accordance with §8 ff SÜG.


Fähigkeiten der besten Bewerber

  • Projektmanagement
  • Geschäftsanalyse
  • Datenmodellierung
  • Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)
  • Maschinelles Lernen

Professor (W2) "Thermochemical Process Technology" and Head of Department in the field of low-carbon reducing agents (f/m/x) Reference number: 62-2024 – MM-031 Arbeitgeber: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

DLR ist ein führendes Forschungszentrum in Deutschland, das sich auf Luft- und Raumfahrt, Energie und Verkehr spezialisiert hat. Es bietet hervorragende Möglichkeiten zur Mitarbeit an zukunftsweisenden Projekten und zur Zusammenarbeit mit Industrie und akademischen Partnern. Die Standorte Cottbus und Zittau sind zentral in die Forschungsaktivitäten eingebunden, was attraktive Karrierechancen in einem innovativen Umfeld schafft.

Jobs bei Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
